Pedagogy for Juniors

We believe that a pedagogically sound, skill focused and content rich learning tool can make many a marvel happen .With this intention, our teachers establish emotional connection with the learner’s experience. This pedagogy extols the benefits of achieving whole brain development in the 21st century learner.

Whole brain development pedagogy

‘Whole brain development’ means the activation of neurons, both in the left and right lobes of the brain, and the growth of cross-connections between the two lobes through creative networks.

The interplay between right and left lobes of brain is crucial to higher learning and thinking.It provides a greater range and depth of understanding and encourages creative expression and problem solving abilities.

Leonarda da vinci , Tagore , Pablo Picasso , Einstein , Shakespeare and Lewis Carol were some of the outstanding humans who were specially talented or multifaceted. They gave the world remarkable things that they visualized, created & left behind for generations to marvel at. Here are some of the characteristics that mark these whole brainess apart.

  • They were empowered with vision , creativity, imagination & passion.
  • They were empowered by their ability to see the whole as well as its parts.
  • They were empowered with a remarkable multifaceted mind & brain.

Now the question is Can everyone aspire to develop the whole brain? Students learn most effectively when they understand what they are learning why they are learning it and how they will be able to use their new learning . Our teachers stimulate the curiosity of their students require them to search for relevant information and ideas and challenge them to use or apply what they discover in new context on in new ways . They look for opportunities to involve students directly in decisions relating to their own learning . This encourages them to see what they doing as relevant and to take greater ownership of their own learning . For our juniors we provide a distinct phase of learning signals as an approach that reports to the needs of young adolescent students. We are responding to the challenge of reconceptualising their work with early adolescents through six principles-

  • Distinct identity
  • Quality teaching
  • Student well being
  • Parent & community involvement
  • Leadership
  • Decision making
Using these practicals as a guide , our school is identifying current best practice & planning focused on improving student outcomes through improved transitions between primary & secondary school & support for adolescent development. Our teachers use pedagocial skills to impart the specialized knowledge of their subject. They display a wide range of skills & abilities that lead to creating a learning environment where all students feel comfortable & sure that they can succeed both academically & personally. Our teachers always demonstrate various skills to the students that might improre with strategies.
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The Oxford Academy, Rudrapur,Uttarakhnd
Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.
The Oxford Academy, Rudrapur,Uttarakhnd
Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.